Monday, July 23, 2007

The Road Trip - Bangalore To Goa

A journey...Road Trip - Bangalore To Goa
4-day holiday, best time to realize long trip on the roads of western coastline of Karnataka and Goa

1 comment:

Blogger said...

Lemme start..few points colleagues shared with me....
The road thru the Western Ghats goes thru dense rain forests, hills and valleys.
Taking first aid kit.
Taking enough containers with water in vehicle, not only for drinking purpose, for everything. Not depending on falls, because it is elephants exclusiv.
Planin the journey such a way that, not crossing sensitive areas of jungle during dark. Because snakes will be dating with you..i mean kissing you.
Good that the Indian Travel blog-trip experienced guys sorted out the accessible fuel bunks.
Listen to instruments music in car stereo. Avoid actor vijay/hindi actor govinda/ Daler Mehndi dhappaaanguthu songs. Because instruments music will also be pleasant for jungle animals. They will sleep and not make to the road to smoke a fag.